An Open Secret?
The first rule about the Secret Yoga Club is that we do not talk about the Secret Yoga Club
The moniker "Secret Yoga Club" started out as an inside joke so the "secret" is very much, an open secret!
So let's get a few things straight: I am a movement educator, not a service provider. Know that this is not a commercial yoga business that focuses on pleasing a customer. There are many customer-oriented commercial businesses out there that run a weekly schedule of yoga and pilates classes. This here, is not the same thing.
The Secret Yoga Club is where my community comes together to enable personal transformation, and in doing so, gives permission to others within our circle to do the same. This is a private studio and not a commercial business. I reserve the right to turn away students who are not the right fit for my teaching and my community and my priority is in protecting the safe space in our classes where those who have invested time and effort in their journey with me will always have a place where they can be their authentic selves.
If you feel the vibe of my community is the right fit for you, do reach out and let's have a conversation. If our intentions align, we would love to have you amongst us.