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In this new normal, our practice also needs to look different.

Here is my solution to set you free to continue on your movement journey with me.


On-demand videos with Amanda Koh

Own time, own pace, own space, own journey! Own it!

Let's face it! Trying to fit a studio-style hour long practice just doesn't work for the home environment.

For many, practising at home can look erratic, disjointed and disorganised if compared to how a studio-based practice looks.


There are distractions and disruptions that we just cannot avoid. Rather than try to force the environment and circumstances to fit into our practice, let's instead fit our practice into these circumstances that we need to live with. 


Instead of trying to force a home practice that is better suited to a studio, allow me to meet you where you are and set ourselves free to continue your journey in this new normal. 


Doing your own self-practice can seem daunting to start out on, if you are used to following led classes and being guided through the hour. Let these on-demand videos be the bridging tool that enables you to take ownership of your own pace and practice as we navigate this new normal.


Hey Singaporeans,

For avoidance of doubt, please use the PayPal/Credit Card option for these videos. Do not use the manual payment mode to do a paynow/paylah.

This channel is coming soon!

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